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Showing 1–14 of 24 results
„Namų ledai“ plombyras su sausainių įdaru
Nostalgiškas tikro plombyro skonis primins gražiausias vaikystės akimirkas, o jas dar ir paįvairins sausainių įdaras…
„Namų ledai“ plombyras
Nostalgiškas tikro plombyro skonis primins gražiausias vaikystės akimirkas.. Ah tos nerūpestingos vasaros valgant skaniausią porciją ledų..
Namų ledai | Braškių sorbetas
Išdykusios braškės ledų indelyje pasislėpė!
Šokoladiniai namų ledai
Gomurį glostanti šokoladinė prabanga.
KETO lengvai | Pistacijų ledai (su saldikliais)
Šalčio prisilietimo sutvirtinta pistacijų ir maskarponės draugystė ❄️
Oat cookies "Anzac"
Warm oatmeal cookies with coconuts – when you want to run away and take a short vacation on a palm tree.
Bread "Prancūzaitė" with oat bran
How beautiful and fragrant those loaves of French bread are – we will not even try to hide the fact that we are bound by sentiments.
Dark Provance bread with seeds
Tonight I dreamed of running barefoot in Provence...
Homemade Ciabatta with Spelta grains
Pulling a corner of the bread when eyes watch every thread that stretches until the last one is broken and you start all over again.
Baguette with beetroots
Gently breaking the baguette I listen to how crumbs are snowing on the table. The result of a team of legendary French masters and Biržų duona fairies.
Baguette with carrots
Under the crispy crust – the softness of the clouds. The result of a team of legendary French masters and Biržų duona fairies.
Tart with curd and spinach
Vegetarian crowns with curd and spinaches – for both prince and princess.
Tart with tuna
A layered chord that hides a satiated tuna filling. We are sure you will surprise many guests with hot tarts.
Tart with ham and cheese
A delicious basket that hides a spicy duo of ham and cheese. I don’t even know – enjoy it during breakfast or take it to a picnic for lunch...