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Showing 141–154 of 189 results
Bun without sugar
Even the small scrapings in the hands of Biržų duona fairies are reborn for a healthier diet...
Cocoa muffins
Pour on me chocolate or caramel, spray with cream, sprinkle with coconut or almond flakes? Or maybe just break piece by piece with your fingertips.
Children's bun with strawberry filling
It is not only the smallest hands that try to reach a bun that is proud of the abundance of strawberry filling.
Šis klasikinis Biržų duonos keksiukas pasiruošęs pradžiuginti smaližius tiek pats vienas, tiek pasipuošęs gardžiausiu dekoru. Įjunk fantaziją!
Brioche Butter Buns
“Brioche” butter buns, which are fluffy like clouds, invite you to tear and soak them in a summer-scented jam.
Bun "Snail" with cranberries
The cranberries map is going to help me to find my way out of the sweet maze. And then – repeat all over again!
Mini buns with poppy seed filling
One by one, little soft poppy buns rush into the palm of your hand. You probably need to make another cup of tea.
Mini buns with pear pieces in yogurt
As soon as the taste receptors feel the fluffiness of the chopped dough, the sweetness of the yoghurt filling that is lightly sourish and the aroma of cinnamon, my smile is all over my face and I reach out for another tiny indulgence.
Bun with cinnamon filling
I hear how my mother silently unlocks the door, soon I smell cocoa and cinnamon and the little sister seems to be counting the golden cinnamon buns out loud.
Bun with caramel
Ah, moment, stay a while! You are so lovely! A soft yeasty bun with a sinfully sweet caramel filling that pleasantly caresses the palate.
Curd buns
Surround your family with coziness at nightfall.
Bun "Curdie"
The yeasty bun with curd is made for the beginning of a promising day.
Half of it will indeed be very happy to be left for the motivational lunch break... -
Bun "Forest berry"
The pleasure of three layers – the closer the jam, the sweeter the heart...
Grissini with garlic
Well, take one more crispy breadstick seasoned with garlic and we are going to watch the sunset on the Mediterranean beach.